Part of the 5 member team responsible of creating CG wings for final sequence on Jupiter Ascending. These CG wings were done only using poly-planes as no feather grooming system was available. Working closely with our Creature Supe, Shading Supe and Senior Texture artist I developed the final look of the CG wings and metal elements from reference, concept art and client notes.
Look development of various hard-surface assets including 12+ spaceships, hero props: deciport, falque's eye piece. Also various props and CG assets like: doors, fire escapes, offices.
Responsible for look development of 4 digi-doubles: 2 costumes per main actor. Digi-doubles corresponding to final sequence and jupiter refinery sequence.
Lighting rig creation for 6 hero shots on final wing sequence. As well as miscellaneous lighting shots in various sequences involving digi-doubles and CG environments.