Nestor Prado is a VFX Artist whose background in Computer Engineering gives him a true technical edge. Lighting and shading are his main passions. From recreating the lighting to integrate an object into a plate, or lighting an environment or a character to convey a specific mood. He strives to create photo-real imagery using his desire of self-improvement and the knowledge gained through professional experience in the VFX industry as well as his ongoing learning. Keeping up with the state-of-the-art approaches for lighting and shading he is able to learn them at a quick pace and integrate them as part of his everyday work. He thrives in a creative team-driven environment pushing his work to the highest standard.
CG Supervisor for all Framestore London Sequences
Set in a semi-submerged London of 2053, FLITE is the directorial and writing debut of Oscar w
Imprisoned in a luxury high-rise apartment by her controlling manager, Stevie - the reigning World hoverboard champion - is helped by the kindness of a courageous stranger, and set on a daring and precarious escape. All doesn’t quite go to plan and much of the film is told through the memory recall of the stranger.
Senior Lookdev artist at Framestore London:
Framestore London Lighting Lead:
Look development with Isotropix's Clarisse of:
Look development with Isotropix’s Clarisse of:
The Unreal Fellowship is a 30-day intensive blended learning experience designed to help experienced industry professionals in film, animation, and VFX learn Unreal Engine, develop a strong command of state-of-the-art virtual production tools, and foster the next generation of teams in the emerging field of real-time production.